Everything you write shows you didn't read. The POINT is putting it up because i was getting TONS of requests about it, so i wanted to repost this rather than send it to each individual one-by-one. Oh yeah, before I forget, here's the file Last edited by HeIsTruth at 11:35 AM. Directions: Download and paste into your C: program files image-line FL Studio data patches plugin presets generators FPC folder. I had planned on doing some further editing to this preset but the emails/PMs i've been getting for this are overwhelming.im just wondreing if so many people knew about the thread, why the HAYLLL they didn't just download the file:confused: Anyway, enjoy. So once again here's the settings this will give you: 1 - All pads/samples set to interrupt each other 2 - All samples now controlled by consecutive keys on your controller, making sample arranging that much easier 3 - All samples will be dumped to mixer channel 1, which means you can chop a whole record, map it out and you'll automatically be able to add effects via the mixer 4 - all pads set to their loudest, so you can just turn down the FPC plugin volume as a whole.